Bigg Boss OTT 3 contestant Payal Malik, who recently got evicted from the show, and actor Devoleena Bhattacharjee got in a war of words after the two took jibes at each other’s marriages. Devoleena had previously equated Armaan Malik’s relationship with his two wives, Payal and Kritika, to “filth.” Later, Payal said that Devoleena has no right to judge her as she had an inter-faith marriage. Now, Devoleena has responded to the same and said that Payal was involved in “illegal act like polygamy.”
She shared on Instagram, “A person needs a higher level of knowledge to compare interfaith marriage with polygamy, which I am sure intelligent people are quite aware of. And it’s not only my right, but it’s every Indian’s right to stand against such an illegal act like polygamy, which they are quite proud to show off on national television. Anyways, it’s a matter of individual fate. Just don’t make a mockery of the lives of those poor women who suffer every day and night because of this nonsense and die a little each day.”
Devoleena said that her husband Shahnawaz Shaikh is not interested in polygamy and wrote further, “Otherwise, do whatever you want. Why stop at two? Have 2, 4, or 5 marriages. Just don’t spread this disease in society. Each & Every word I say I mean it & still stand by it. And anyway it’s not new to me people making YouTube content on me. Please do the honor. Even if my husband is a Muslim, he is too loyal and is not interested in polygamy and we took 4 years to understand & then got married. Not in merely 7 days. Also, a woman’s self-respect shouldn’t be compromised. But I can feel you. I know you can’t understand this. Honestly, I feel pity for you. But then I guess that’s how you wanted your marriage to be after seeing this. Everything could be YouTube content for you guys. But not me. So carry on. Signing off.”
Devoleena Bhattacharjee got married to Shahnawaz Shaikh in 2022. Recently, in an exclusive interview with indianexpress.com Payal opened up about her husband Armaan Malik’s second marriage, she revealed that she felt she was wronged by her husband and was on the ‘verge of committing suicide’ after his marriage to Kritika.
After her eviction from Bigg Boss OTT 3, Payal Malik has been addressing all the possible accusations that have been made about their relationship.
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