Fardeen Khan, along with Salman Khan and Anil Kapoor, tickled the funny bone with the 2005 film No Entry. Naturally, when talks of a sequel began, fans expected the three stars to return for No Entry 2. However, the makers decided to go with new-age actors — Varun Dhawan, Diljit Dosanjh, and Arjun Kapoor — for the sequel. In a recent interaction, Fardeen spoke about not being part of the film and how he harbours no ill feelings towards the makers.
Speaking to Zoom, Fardeen said, “The talk of No Entry has been going on for so long. I think we have been discussing it in 2014-2015. I have been in touch with Boney Kapoor and Salman Khan, and I heard that it was happening in 6 months and then 8 months. So, there was this anticipation, the audience’s love for the movie, our love for our characters, everything worked really well, and we were all excited to be part of the sequel.”
Fardeen Khan also revealed that he had read the script of the sequel and found it hilarious. “Anees Bazmee has written a hysterical script. When I heard it, I couldn’t stop laughing. Of course, it was disappointing that it didn’t work out, but that happens sometimes. It is what it is. I have only love for Boney and the new casting, and I wish them all the best. It’s a great franchise; just don’t mess it up, then I will be upset,” he said.
In March, producer Boney Kapoor spoke about how his brother and actor Anil Kapoor is angry with him for not casting him in No Entry 2. He said, “Before I could tell my brother Anil about the No Entry sequel and the cast involved, he got angry as the news was already leaked. It was unfortunate that it was leaked. I know he wanted to be part of the No Entry sequel, but there was no space. I wanted to explain why I did what I did.”
While the original was a movie about philandering men, it is reported that the sequel will feature double roles of Varun Dhawan, Diljit Dosanjh, and Arjun Kapoor.
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