Actor Jason Shah has been making headlines for his performance in Sanjay Leela Bhansali‘s web series Heeramandi. Jason played the role of British officer Cartwright in the show. Now, as Jason Shah continues to soak up the appreciation he is receiving for Heeramandi, he has also opened up about his break up with VJ-actor Anusha Dandekar. In a chat with Times Now, Jason shared the reasons behind their break up.
Jason said that his break up with Anusha has led to a big spiritual change. Further sharing what caused the break up, Jason said that he rushed into the relationship and she didn’t really understand him. “The other person didn’t really understand me, and I felt they were trying to make me fit in their box. And that is not going to happen, right?” he said. He blamed miscommunication for the breakdown of their relationship.
Before Heeramandi, Jason has featured on TV shows like Jhansi Ki Rani and Bigg Boss. He reportedly parted ways with Anusha Dandekar in 2021 and the two only dated for a brief period. Back then, when he was asked about their breakup, he had stayed mum about it.
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