How I Got Rid of My Red Acne Marks With One Laser Treatment


My Experience With the Acne Mark Treatment

The V-Beam procedure itself is fast – I was done in 10 minutes. After the laser warmed up, Dr. Zeichner made sure my skin was free of makeup and dirt before instructing me to put on protective eyeglasses (just to block the light beam). Pain is subjective, but the treatment on my face felt like a light flick on the skin – nothing too bad.

Afterward, I was left with redness around the area but it went away in a few hours. There’s no downtime or discomfort that lingers, although Dr. Zeichner explains that some people may experience slight bruising or swelling.

“In some cases, blood vessels are eliminated immediately, while in others it may take a few weeks for the body to get rid of the damaged blood vessels,” says Dr. Zeichner. I required only one treatment but particularly stubborn red marks occasionally require a follow-up session.

How Much Is the V-Beam Treatment?

Like most lasers, the V-Beam treatment is considered an elective cosmetic procedure. It costs around $500, depending on the size of the area. It isn’t cheap, but considering most people see results after just one treatment, you’re definitely getting your money’s worth. If you also take into consideration how much money is spent on beauty products and facials to try to lighten acne marks, it ends up being worth it in my book.

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