Actor Jitendra Kumar, popularly known as Jeetu bhaiya, said that his relationship with homes is long and complicated, spanning decades, families, and eventually cities. The actor, known for starring in several beloved TVF projects, including Kota Factory, recalled living in a “jhopdi” at one point in his life. In an interview with Cyrus Broacha for Housing.com, Jeetu was asked if he remembers his first-ever house. The actor said he was born in Khairthal, Alwar, Rajasthan, and recalled that he vividly remembers living in a jungle hut.
“We had a hut in a jungle. Our joint family would live there. We had one pakka makaan and one jhopdi. I have a very vivid memory of sleeping there and feeling strange. It was a very brief period. My uncle and father are civil engineers–so am I–and they quickly made two more rooms. So, we lived in a hut for six-seven months, after which the construction began,” he revealed.
The actor, who went on to graduate in Civil Engineering from IIT Kharagpur, said that during his summer holidays, he would pick up daily wage jobs with painters and carpenters working on under-construction houses, much to the annoyance of his father, who would feel being a 11-year-old was no age to work for money.
“Often during summer holidays, I would work for dihaadi along with painters, carpenters. I would work for Rs 40 a day. Then, when my father would know, he would scold me. I was around 11-12 year old and would assist the workers! So, I have seen the process of a house getting built from scratch and been a part of that too,” he added.
Jitendra Kumar is best known for playing Jitu in TVF Pitchers, Jeetu Bhaiya in the series Kota Factory and for his acclaimed turn in Prime Video’s beloved comedy series Panchayat.
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