Actor Kartik Aaryan said that he has developed an uncanny ability to gauge audience reactions to his films, even before they hit the screens, as he has his finger on the pulse. In a recent conversation, Kartik revealed his thought process and how he trusts his instincts and understands which film will do well and which wouldn’t, even before she starts shooting for them.
“I initially used to figure it out in the starting itself, ‘yeh toh gaye!’ Because when I had just started, I was not getting offered movies… How do I comment on it?” Kartik said in an interview with Pinkvilla, as he reflected on his early days in the industry. However, with experience, he has honed his skills to anticipate audience reactions.
“Now, I come to know pehle se hi (beforehand) what the reaction is going to be like,” Kartik confessed. Despite having reservations, he remains committed to the project, striving to make it better without openly expressing doubts to the makers. “Once I am on a film, I am totally into it with full honesty,” Kartik emphasised. He also acknowledged the importance of considering the makers’ perspectives, admitting, “Maybe their thought process is better than mine.”
Kartik’s self-proclaimed success rate is impressive, with him being correct “90% of the time” in predicting audience reactions. He attributes this to his own experiences as a film enthusiast. “I am also an audience, I watch films too. I decide whether I want to watch a film or not based on the trailer. That’s how I choose,” Kartik shared.
Kartik is now gearing up for his next release, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, the much anticipated third installment of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 which earned Rs 266.88 crore worldwide and become one of the highest-grossing Hindi film of 2022. Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 is slated to be released in cinemas on November 1, on the occasion of Diwali this year.
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