Actor Lakshmi Manchu, daughter of Telugu movie veteran Mohan Babu, says the biggest roadblock when she wanted to move to Mumbai from Hyderabad was her family, who were discouraging of her decision. The actor moved to the city last year and has since been on spree of meeting Hindi filmmakers. In an interview with Free Press Journal, the actor was asked about her “roadblocks” when she was shifting base from Hyderabad, where she spent more than a decade. “There was only one roadblock, my family,” she said.
“They didn’t let me move for the longest time. We are a very close-knit family. They told me, ‘Why do you have to be a small fish in a big pond?” They had their own qualms. I used to stay at my best friend Rakul Preet’s house. She kept insisting that I move to Mumbai.”
Lakshmi Manchu said it was her actor-friend Rana Daggubati, who told her that she couldn’t possibly stay in Hyderabad forever and had to move out. But it wasn’t easy. Lakshmi said her father, who is an actor-producer in the Telugu movie industry, had tried to dissuade her from joining the film industry as an actor.
“Men down South aren’t okay with heroes’ sisters or daughters being actresses. They step back from casting people like us. Prakash introduced me to the movies, but my dad and his dad tried to get this idea out of our heads.”
The actor said that she is a “victim of patriarchy” and added, “I had to fight for the things that my brothers get easily. It happened in my own. We are a patriarchal society, we have to call it out rather identifying it. It is not only in South industry but also exists in all parts of the country. We are more than privileged since we live in Mumbai but reality is beyond us.”
In 2022, Lakshmi Manchu made her Malayalam film debut with Mohanlal starrer Monster.
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