Bollywood actors Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have never shied away from sharing glimpses of their daughter Raha with the media since they introduced her in 2023. Recently, fans got another adorable glimpse of Raha when she accompanied her father, Ranbir Kapoor, during an inspection of his new home construction site in Mumbai.
In the viral video, Ranbir is seen holding Raha in his arms as they enter the under-construction site. Raha is dressed in a red top and jeans, with her hair tied in a bun, while Ranbir keeps it casual in black track pants, a hoodie, and a white cap. The paparazzi only captured Raha’s appearance for a few seconds before Ranbir quickly handed her to someone in the car and proceeded to discuss matters with his staff. Take a look at the viral video:
Ranbir and Alia were also recently spotted together at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding festivities. However, they did not bring Raha along and were seen posing for the paparazzi. A short clip from Anant’s baraat went viral, showing Ranbir enjoying the music at the wedding. Take a look:
ranbir and alia
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Alia and Ranbir tied the knot in 2022 at their Bandra home after dating for five years. In November of the same year, they welcomed their first child, Raha. On the professional front, both Ranbir and Alia will be seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love and War. Ranbir also has Animal Park and Ramayan in the pipeline, while Alia is awaiting the release of her film Jigra.
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