From her co-stars to casual audiences, many have commented on Sharmin Segal’s performance in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Heeramandi. In a recent interaction, the actor spoke about her role in the show, the trolling she has faced since its release, and how she believes being insecure and vulnerable isn’t a bad thing. Speaking about her performance in Heeramandi, Sharmin told Instant Bollywood, “I am happy with my performance, and have been receiving a lot of love for Alamzeb. It has been a learning experience. I have grown a lot. I knew on the first day of the set that I would be a completely different person after this shoot ended.”
Despite giving it her all to the character, Sharmin had questions about Alamzeb’s ‘oblivious innocence’ in the show. Sharing her thoughts on her character, she said, “There were moments when I questioned Alamzeb’s character, and that’s when I remembered one of my teachers telling me not to judge your character. I had to empathise with the character. For me, her character is pure, and I had to connect to the emotion of love, which for me is purity. I tried to tap into the purity of love for that character. She also had oblivious innocence, and that’s how I used to be on the set. I am a detail-oriented person; I would take care of the little practicalities, but at the same time, I would try to be carefree.”
Sharmin also addressed the trolling she has faced since the show’s release. While she claimed that she has received positive feedback, she said that she takes the negative comments in her stride. “The audience is the most important part of a creative person’s journey. They have a right to say what they want to say, and with the negativity, positivity also comes. There has been so much love too. The audience’s opinion is very important because I am creating for them. I am open to constructive criticism, love, and support. The fact that I am getting noticed is an even bigger thing for me. When you are reaching so many people, they will say everything,” she said.
When asked if insecurity pushes her to work harder, she said, “It has helped me through the process of Heeramandi. I have become a more secure person after Heeramandi, but I also think that there is some volatility in insecurity. It’s vulnerable, and there is nothing wrong or right with it. We can’t control what comes into our minds, and that’s why judging them is wrong. I don’t think insecurity is wrong. It makes you vulnerable, and people are scared of vulnerability these days. It’s sad, but people are understanding that being vulnerable is about being happy with who they are.”
While Sonakshi Sinha and Aditi Rao Hydari have defended Sharmin against trolls in the past, Adhyayan Suman advised her to ‘accept reality’ and engage in conversation with the audience. Jayati Bhatia, on the other hand, acknowledged the burden of trolling and advised Sharmin to work harder in her future projects.
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