Actor Shraddha Kapoor, who is basking in the success of her latest film Stree 2, directed by Amar Kaushik, recently opened up on why she has never done a film with the Khans of Bollywood – Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Aamir Khan, even after being an actor for almost a decade now.
Talking to Shubhankar Mishra on a podcast, Shraddha said that she was in fact offered films with the three Khans in the past, but was not able to do those films for several reasons. She said, “Many times you are offered a film, but if you feel the character isn’t exciting enough or the role doesn’t challenge the artiste in you then you let go of that role. I’m very clear about the kind of work that I choose,” said the Stree star.
“I want to be part of good films, engaging films with good stories, work with good directors, and do good work. If the by-product of all of this is the opportunity to work with good actors or huge stars, I’m happy to say yes to it,” the actor added.
Stree 2 was released in cinemas on August 15 and has already crossed the Rs 300 crore mark in under a week. Shraddha Kapoor is receiving a lot of love for her role in the film. The makers of the movie have already started working on the third instalment of the film which is expected to be released in cinemas next year.
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