Actor Kiara Advani rang in her 33rd birthday on Wednesday surrounded by her loved ones. The actress was showered with birthday wishes from friends and family, including a heartfelt post from husband Sidharth Malhotra. Sidharth took to his Instagram handle to share a glimpse from her birthday celebration with Kiara cutting a cake and surrounded by balloons.
Sidharth wrote, “”Happy Birthday Love, the pic says it all. You’re the kindest soul I know. Here is to many more memories together (sic).” In the picture, a radiant Kiara, can be seen happily posing with balloons which have ‘superstar’ written on them. In another video from her birthday celebrations, Kiara can be seen cutting her birthday cake.
Earlier in the day, Kiara also received a special birthday surprise from the makers of her upcoming film, Game Changer. The film’s official handle shared a vibrant poster featuring Kiara in her look from the song “Jaragandi,” generating anticipation for the much-awaited project starring Ram Charan.
Kiara and Sidharth, who met on the sets of Shershaah, tied the knot in Jaisalmer’s Suryagarh Palace, in 2023. During her appearance on Koffee With Karan, Kiara opened up about the couple’s romantic proposal in Rome. “You know when Sid came to that episode (last year’s Koffee With Karan episode), we had just come back from Rome where he proposed to me. My parents weren’t there. It was our first family holiday with me and his family. I had a little bit of inclination that he would propose. I told him that you have to speak to my parents and he said are you kidding me? I said, yeah, you first ask them and take their permission, let’s do it the right way. They will be happy. My mom unfortunately had COVID so she couldn’t travel with us. So I went with his parents,” she revealed on the show, adding that the actor used the line ‘Dilli ka seedha sada launda hoon’ from Shershaah while proposing to her.
Kiara has several exciting projects lined up. She is reportedly set to join the YRF spy universe in War 2 alongside Hrithik Roshan and Jr NTR.
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