Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya surprised many with their surprise engagement in August. Pictures of the couple from their intimate engagement ceremony in traditional attire went viral on social media. Recently, Sobhita Dhulipala talked about her engagement ceremony and also opened up about her wedding plans. Sobhita also spoke about motherhood and added that she always saw herself getting married.
In a recent interview with Galatta India, Sobhita Dhulipala talked about her engagement with Naga Chaitanya and said, “I don’t think I went with a lot of expectations or dreams. I was just there. It was quite relaxed, simple, sweet, intimate, and warm. It was everything that I thought it would be.” She added, “When beautiful things happen, I don’t feel the need of embellishment. That moment itself fills me. I didn’t feel like it was simple or anything. It was what it was meant to be and it was perfect.” She then added, “I always wanted to feel the motherhood experience. I was very clear about it. I always saw myself getting married.”
Sobhita revealed how she loves vibrancy when it comes to a marriage or special occasions. “It’s interesting how you look at photographs of some wedding, you could tell this is from here, it represents this particular culture, this must be their roots, or this jewellery is from this part, you could piece together a story of a heritage. It’s very beautiful. I am not a minimal type of person. I mean that could be a mood, or looks for some day, but I think for these occasions, which are ceremonial, I like full fervour.”
Sobhita also spoke about her relationship and revealed “humour” is the binding factor for her. She said, “For me, it’s humour. Moments of lightness. I think it is what that binds it (relationship) together.”
Talking about dealbreakers in a relationship, Sobhita said, “I have no dealbreakers.” She added, “I don’t think I can look at a relationship of any kind that if I have these things then it is approved, or if there are not these particular things then rejected. I don’t think that’s the way I approach emotion or relationship. It’s not with just romantic relationships. There should be a room for it. It’s a spectrum–every emotion. Sometimes someone makes you feel very happy, sometimes you feel wronged. You feel so many things and that’s what gives that density and richness to that relationship. So it’s not my approach to end something if someone does something or tells something. There could be some days, when I will be completely thrown off by certain things, but I don’t think I will go into it like judgement.”
Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya are yet to announce their wedding date.
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