Triptii Dimri made her Bollywood debut with the film Laila Majnu, but it was her role in the Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Animal that earned her national fame. Her journey has been full of ups and downs, and she recently revealed that even her relatives were against her joining the film industry, and looked down upon her choices. Triptii appeared on Katrina Kaif’s Kay Beauty by Katrina’s YouTube channel, where she opened up about her experiences.
“I am from Uttarakhand, but I was born and brought up in Delhi, so my parents and family are in Delhi… It was difficult for me when I moved to Bombay (Mumbai), to go out every day in front of more than 50-60 people in a room. There are people in the society and in my family also who said mean things to my parents. Things like ‘Why have you sent your daughter to this profession? She is going to get spoiled; she will hang out with the wrong people, she is going to make wrong choices for herself, no one is going to want to marry her, she is not going to get married now’,” shared the actor.
Triptii Dimri with her family members:
Triptii went on to share, “There was a point when I was confused, because you lose hope when you get up and there is no work. But one thing I knew was that I could not go back to my parents and tell them, ‘No, I have not done it’.” Triptii added that her parents were proud of her after her first film Laila Majnu’s release. The film was recently re-released in theatres, making more money than it did in its original run.
Triptii also opened up about being labelled the ‘national crush’ after appearing in Animal. “I would like to thank God, because in my experience, it has been the other way around, as many films I have done in my career, whether they are the older films that I did earlier, or the ones that have released recently, I have received a lot of love from my audience. People have liked my work and have spoken about it,” added Triptii.
Triptii will be next seen with Rajkumar Rao in the upcoming comedy drama Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video, which is scheduled for a theatrical release on October 11. Triptii is also a art of Vishal Bhardwaj’s untitled project, starring Shahid Kapoor.
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